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Showing posts from 2020

The Believer's Blessing: 2021 EDITION

  In 1788 a Scottsman by the name of Robert Burns penned the words to a simple poem after a night out with an old friend. Burns scribbled the brief but sincere words down in response to his own questions and thoughts. I've often wondered if Robert Burns ever dreamed that 232 years after he wrote “Auld Lang Syne” people all over the world would sing, slur, mime, and mumble through his heartfelt lyrics. We all know the tune even if we don’t know all of the lyrics. Sidenote; you can brag at this year’s New Year celebration that you in fact dabble in 18th Century Traditional Folk Melodies. Now, back to the lyrics that no one really seems to know. Robert Burns’ original lyrics have been changed and translated several times from his original poem, but the idea and sentiment remain the same. The Scots title, "Ald Lang Syne", can be translated in English to “old long since” or even “long, long ago”. In Burns’ original poem, it loosely translates “for the sake of old times”...

FORGOTTEN: The Cycle of Memory

  Does anyone else feel like they are living in the Spin-Zone?   Actually, it's more like the Spin-Zone and the Twilight-Zone had a really ugly baby and asked you to just watch it while they went out for a date night and then never came back.  Now you're stuck with it.

I Found A Good Thing.

Marriage is a picture of the Gospel.  Go back and read that again.  One more time.  If you are like me you've heard it more times than you can remember but I doubt you've considered the weightiness of that statement.  Read it again now, but spelled out in a bit more detail:  The union between a man and a woman in marriage is reflection and demonstration of God's message of salvation in Christ Jesus; the message of the Gospel (Ephesians 5:22-33, 1 Peter 3:1-7, and others).

Dear Wormwood: The Letters. My Post. My Point.

  Dearest Reader, If by chance you happen upon this digital journal and care to give the time to its reading, I would like to say thank you.  If by chance you are familiar with my entries, you may decide to skip the typically lengthy introduction and, as they say, "get to the point" of this entry.  With only a few scrolls you will arrive there and see the words: "Which Finally Brings Us To Wormwood".  If by chance you are here for the first time, please do not expect much from the entry.  It is only the ramblings of a man who desires to clear his head, tell out his soul, and move along.  In short, this is more for me than you. Your Affectionate Author Screw-loose

Dear Friends, Please Stop | A Short Plea

Dear Friends, First, let me say how thankful I am for each of you. I honestly mean that. It is true that the title "Facebook Friend" doesn't inherently carry much...shall we say, weight? But as a guy who has burned his fair share of bridges and who appreciates the opportunity to share a little light when given the chance, I am grateful for our friendships, whatever depth and weight they may have.

It Was Yesterday...

  .   I have heard your mom say things like, "It just doesn't seem real" or "I can't believe this is really happening." I know what she means by a statement like that and it really is hard to believe. But I confess that I am struggling with the particular phrasing a bit. When someone says something like, "It doesn't seem real" it suggests that whatever is being referenced is somehow detached from actual reality. What they mean is whatever "it" is, is more like a dream, some out of body experience, or a trip to... The Twilight Zone. Son, I'm struggling with statements like that because I am in fact, struggling with the reality itself. You see, this is no dream. She says... "It just doesn't seem real" and she's right because just 24 hours ago everything was different. It can't be real, literally. Everything was different just yesterday ... Today , you and I are getting our hair cut and I am an absolute mess. I...

Brethren, Let's Not Blow This...

In case you missed it, there is a huge story that has captured the news cycles and the collective conversation of the apparent world.  That's right.  The early digital release of "Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker."  Everyone is talking about it! Obviously, I am referring to COVID-19 better known as Coronavirus.  Since the first reports came out of Wuhan China, it has affected everything from international travel to global markets, and even our ability to find toilet paper in our time of need.  Another result of this pandemic is, of course, the panic, confusion, and fear that is understandably associated with such a widespread illness.  It has also resulted in billions of newly certified experts in  epidemiology, many of whom I am blessed to be friends with on social media.  They have joined the political science majors and the sociologists who have appeared in recent years on my timeline.  It is astounding the educated and informed theor...
I will save you any unnecessary time and warn you upfront in case you've inadvertently stumbled in here expecting the wrong thing.   This will not be pretty. _______________________________________________________________ Yes, its Valentine's Day!  In our culture, that means an entire day of our social media feeds filled with the two sides of love.  On one side are those who will take the opportunity to express their affections for their Valentine,  and in America show off the gifts that they've purchased and received.  On the other side are those without a Valentine  who will either take to social media to bemoan the day and remind the world to be sensitive to their plight or, celebrate their freedom and laugh at those trapped in the bonds of commitment and fidelity.  Then, I hope, there is this post. I have historically taken advantage of this day to celebrate my Valentine  and the gift that she is to me.  I have also historic...

RECLAIMING VALUE: What I'm Learning From My Return To Covington

I'm not certain but I may be obligated to inform you that: The thoughts and opinions expressed here have not been formally reviewed and approved by the board of trustees of CTS. "Handfuls of Doxology" is in no way endorsed or officially associated with CTS. For those who may not know me or are not familiar with my personality, that is what those closest to me will immediately recognize as sarcasm.  To be clear, Covington is in no way endorsing me, a blog, a ministry, or anything else that is offered here.  This humble and rarely utilized blog is a space that is used to record and share the thoughts that grow within me and won't relent.  I'm writing this particular blog because of a thought that is reborn every time I engage in a conversation with someone about Covington. The conversation usually goes one of two ways: Scenario One: Q:  Where do you go to seminary? A: Covington Theological Seminary. R: Never heard of it. I love this res...