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Before You Read My Blogs: A Context

"Allow Myself To... Introduce...Myself."

And Other Important Awkwardness.


My beloved wife has spent the last 20+ years having to remind me that not everyone "gets me".  It is often my humor, my sarcasm, my tone, and many times it is just me.  Those that know me have come to know my heart and understand the things that are important to me.  They know what I believe and what I am passionate about.  They know where I stand on theology, doctrine, and social issues.  Simply stated, they get me.

But that has been earned and developed over time with conversations and investment.  There is no need to explain the social science of relational familiarity.  I hold complete confidence that if you have the ability to read this sentence with total comprehension of the vocabulary used, you understand what is required for social interaction and establishing meaningful human relationships. You get it.  But alas, I still have to be reminded that not everyone gets me.  This is especially true when I write.  It doesn't happen often.  If by chance you read the description of the blog then you know that it used as a place to clear my mind when thoughts seem to hold it captive.  I'm not sure what it says about me but I will go months and some times years without writing.  Regardless of how frequently I utilize the blog or how rare the chances are that these words will ever be read, I feel some context is necessary.  

I Have No Delusions About Who I Am:

I am pushing 40 years old but have the mistakes of idiots twice my age.  Much of my life at the moment is devoted to learning, either through direct academics or in the classroom of divine education.  But in the past, I have earned several degrees from the school of stupidity, sin, and regret.  My writing reflects many of these lessons as well as the current process.  I still have a long way to go.  

Many of the blogs come from a place of frustration with myself and coming to grips with the realities of who I really am.  But these are not lamentations or songs in the minor key.  These are reflections of what it looks like to grow in grace.  I make no excuses for being a slow learner or attempts to sugarcoat the ugliness of my narrative.  You will also note clearly that I am learning in the academic sense.  I make no claims to be an accomplished or even a good writer.  I really am recording these lines for my own benefit and for the benefit of those who may by chance read them.  So you will doubtless find many errors and cringe at things that any novice should have caught.  Please know that I am learning and desire to be better.  But also know, I have no delusions about who I am.

I Am Serious About Serious Things:
I Adore The Seriously Funny, Ironic, & Sarcastic Things.

I am a nerd.  I love Star Wars, cartoons, and all things comedy.  I crack jokes and appreciate a pun as much as any human being can.  I have a bad habit of being too sarcastic and if you have a bad habit of missing sarcasm you will misunderstand much of what I write.  I have no trouble laughing at myself and when appropriate laughing at others.  I find humor in as much as I possibly can.  At the same time, I am fully devoted to the things of weight and value.  When it comes to theology, doctrine, the application of truth and life I take these matters seriously.  That's easy to see.  Unlike Sasquatch.

It's Our Journey. 
I Don't Know If They Know It or Not.

Years ago I started a journal for my son.  I filled that journal up and started another.  The plan was to keep doing this and then one day he would get them and read what I had written to him.  Since then we have moved repeatedly.  Some of the journals have survived and some haven't.  The truth is all he really wants is my guitar and he knows he can't have it until I am dead.  But he knows the journal(s) are his as well.  Occasionally he will ask about them and if I am still keeping the journal.  I am.  It's here.  I share them now and then for others to hear the ramblings of my mind, but these thoughts words are for them.

I am who I am by the grace of God.  Without Christ I am nothing.  I owe everything to Jesus and my salvation.  Apart from Him I am hopelessly lost, bound for hell.  But they have shaped every part of me.  Ashleigh is my best friend.  She has taught me more about the Gospel than anyone else on the planet.  She has literally demonstrated it to me every day of our lives.  Trevor will never fully understand it, but outside of the supernatural work of God, He is the greatest constant force in my life.  He is in many ways already a better man than I am.  He brings me so much pride.  Ryleigh is our unexpected treasure and joy.  Her love for her daddy has given me a fulfillment that I never knew I needed.  I will leave this world still trying to figure her out and knowing that wherever she is, she can't sleep without saying "Love you, goodnight."  They may never read these words, and you may never understand them.  But my heart is helped and healed a little more with each click of the keys.

So as you read, lighten up, I know I am a mess.  I know I am not that smart.  I don't mind if my humor didn't connect.  I'm sure we didn't agree on everything.  It is very possible that I was wrong.  You know what they say about opinions right?


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