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Showing posts from March, 2020

Brethren, Let's Not Blow This...

In case you missed it, there is a huge story that has captured the news cycles and the collective conversation of the apparent world.  That's right.  The early digital release of "Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker."  Everyone is talking about it! Obviously, I am referring to COVID-19 better known as Coronavirus.  Since the first reports came out of Wuhan China, it has affected everything from international travel to global markets, and even our ability to find toilet paper in our time of need.  Another result of this pandemic is, of course, the panic, confusion, and fear that is understandably associated with such a widespread illness.  It has also resulted in billions of newly certified experts in  epidemiology, many of whom I am blessed to be friends with on social media.  They have joined the political science majors and the sociologists who have appeared in recent years on my timeline.  It is astounding the educated and informed theor...