Dear Squirrel, I have always warned you that once something is put on the internet, it's out there forever. Yet, I failed to warn you that sometimes the internet reminds you of what you've put on the web. Daily. It will remind you daily. I will say, it's not always a bad thing. Sometimes your digital imprint has memories of precious moments and solid status updates. Other times it's like a punch in the gut. It may be something you wore, something you said, or some other regretful update. Most of the time, it is simply the deafening sound of time marching on, at an incredible pace. Things that happened last week are actually things that happened 15 years ago. Some days it is uncut digital depression, and for some reason, we come back day after day. Days like today, for example. This morning seemed no different than any other until the internet's memories began dropping on us. I had just dropped you off at high school . We left a little early because you wanted t...
This blog was originally started many years ago by a much younger and somehow more ignorant version of my current self. It's a celebration of Christ and all that I am learning of Him. As I begin to write again, I hope my writing, theology, and overall views reflect His glory and worth better than they did then, and better every day. I am still on a journey by which the Spirit of God is connecting the dots of all things to Christ and His glory above all else. This is my journey.