Everyone has them and everyone gives them. Labels are a funny. Not funny “ha ha” but funny as in they make no sense for the most part. Some folks obtain labels because they have earned them through a series of bad choices or natural characteristics that just seem to merit them. Other labels are just given because man is by nature a creature who enjoys giving them out. Let me see if I can give an example using my own life. Example #1: “Tracy? You mean the dude who almost screwed up his entire life? Tracy, the screw up.” Van Gogh went through a dark period that helped define him as an artist. I went through an Idiot period that helped define a large portion of my life. I made terrible and selfish choices and now there are those, who when they think of me, are reminded of my many faults and ultimate failures. I did something to merit that label. Example #2: “Tracy? You mean the fat sweaty guy?” I have what doctors call a sligh...
This blog was originally started many years ago by a much younger and somehow more ignorant version of my current self. It's a celebration of Christ and all that I am learning of Him. As I begin to write again, I hope my writing, theology, and overall views reflect His glory and worth better than they did then, and better every day. I am still on a journey by which the Spirit of God is connecting the dots of all things to Christ and His glory above all else. This is my journey.