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Some Simple Commentary on Psalm 103

“Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless His Holy Name!”

-I will praise Him.  My entire heart praises Him!  Every thing I have, every thing I am, every thing I will ever be, Praise Him!  He is a whole other level of Holy!


“Forget not all of His benefits”

-He has done so much.  I can’t name them all, but I will never forget a single one of them.  He has chiseled His blessings on the heart He turned from stone to flesh.


“Who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases.”

-All of the blackness and wickedness is so far gone, it is as if it never existed.  The sickness that had condemned me to die has been cut out like a cancer and nothing but health and life remain.


“Who redeems your life from the pit”

-I have been rescued from the hand of God.  My entrapment has been filled with a solid foundation and I have been rerouted from my path of destruction.


“Who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy.”

-My life was once defined by the poor, depravity of sin and shame.  But now, I have been imparted a “royal priesthood” and the testimony of my adoption is a shining crown of His unconditional love and uninterrupted mercy.


“Who satisfies you with good so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s”

-My parched pallet, never satisfied with the illusions of the world’s provisions, has been drenched with the very life of Christ.  I have no need that isn’t met by Him.  I was brought from the thorny nest of the world’s disappointments and have been given wings like the eagle and the wind that causes me to soar is found under the shadow of His wings.


“The Lord works righteousness and justice for all who are oppressed.”

-My case is not fought by the justifications of the world or my best efforts.  The Lord is my Lawyer in the courtroom and He has seen to it that my freedom was secured and that my enemy and taskmaster will know the Just Hand of the Righteous Judge.


“He made known His ways to Moses, His acts to the people of Israel.”

-My testimony is not an isolated incident.  I am acquainted with countless millions and the Father’s of the Faith because we share the same story.  We have all seen great and mighty things.


“The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.”

-The proof of His mercy and grace is the astounding fact that I have not been snuffed out, but rather loved and brought back to life.


“He will not always chide, nor will He keep His anger forever.”

-He allows me to follow.  He doesn’t force me to fall in.  It is His love that compels me to come and His chastening that affirms His love.  Because He loves me, He corrects me.


“He does not deal with us according to our sins, nor repay us according to our iniquities.”

-There is no scale that weighs on the side of judgment for me.  The scale was tipped at Calvary and now His business with me is based on His Son’s finished work.  I will not “get what is coming to me” but rather be daily loaded up with the benefits of being one of His Children.  Nothing I have done, but what has been done on my behalf.


“For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His love toward those that fear Him.”

-Man cannot measure the limits of His love.  There is no formula that can put a numeric value on the depth of His concern toward us.  When His children remember and reverence His nature and Character His heart is moved and when His heart is moved our systematic theology is shaken by the magnitude of the limitless volume of love contained in the thought “HE CARES FOR ME!”


“As far as the east is from the west, so far does he remove our transgressions from us.”

-He does not choose North to South.  In our scale of things a journey North will result in a path leading south on “man’s globe.”  But when we begin west, we stay west.  When we head east, we stay east.  There is no end to the distance that He has removed our sins.  There is no measure of time that can locate them.  It is as if they never occurred because they can’t be measured in relation to where He has placed us. 


“As a father shows compassion to his children, so the Lord shows compassion to those that fear Him.  For He knows our frame; He remembers where are dust. As for man His days are like the grass; he flourishes like a flower of the field.  For the wind passes over it and it is gone and it’s place knows it no more.”

-Just as the pain of our children causes pain as if it were our own, His heart is connected to the very fiber of our being.  He is moved by our inadequacies and touched by our grief and frustrations.  To the timeless God, He knows our existence is not even a grain of sand in the hour glass of His eternal existence.  He is both ashamed and moved by our attempts to hold on to this life and cries out through the halls of time “I am everlasting.”


“BUT the steadfast love of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear Him, and His righteousness to children’s children, those who keep His covenant and remember to do His commandments.”

-As if His grace and mercy were not enough, His love for us is from eternity past to eternity’s end.  It will never falter or fail.  His blessings are lived out not just in our short existence but one of His greatest blessings to those who keep His word is that the generations to follow will be bless through their lives and the love of God that indwelled them.


“The Lord has established His throne in the heavens, and His kingdom rules over all.  Bless the Lord, O you His angels, you mighty ones who do His Word, obeying the voice of His Word!  Bless the Lord, all His Hosts, His Ministers, who do His will. Bless the Lord, all His Works, in all places of His dominion.  BLESS THE LORD, O MY SOUL!

-I am seated in heavenly places.  I am surrounded by a choir of Angels.  We all sing a song, but mine is a song the Angels do not know.  I sing a song that only the throng of the redeemed can sing.  Although our songs are different as we sing out to the Lamb together we find that the lyrics are different but the harmony is perfect.  For the redeemed, the angels, the prophets, the multitudes all life their voices and sing “WORTHY!  WORTHY!  BLESS THE LORD!! WITH ALL MY SOUL!  BLESS HIS HOLY NAME!”


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