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Can We Talk About The Oscars?

DISCLAIMER: I know nothing about the winners, losers, or Oscar himself. Had Will Smith not slapped Chris Rock, I would have never known it is still a thing.

Therefore, no commentary or opinions will be offered to the awards themselves. I barely have time to watch tv, so movies are a rare treat. Whenever I do, my commentary is always golden, and seldom appreciated. Much like my blogs. 

Like everyone else on the internet, I have two things in my favor. First, I am fully aware of the "incident" and the details surrounding it. Second, I have the ability to share my thoughts regardless of my qualifications. 

So, can we talk about The Oscars? 

Specifically, let's talk about the crushing weight of life and the consequences of a life lived for your own glory. If that turn surprised you, know that I meant for it to do so. Clever, huh? I actually worked on that sentence really hard. There is no way to encapsulate all of the issues going on in a single sentence. Especially considering the microscopic amount of insight I have into what all of the issues really are. 

For me, that sentence sufficed to frame the argument. Life is broken. All of it. I am broken, you are broken, the whole world is broken. You see, God's design was, and is perfect. We are created for life, joy, and full satisfaction in Him; for His glory. Sin fractured His design. Christ is the means by which God restores all that is fractured so that we might know and enjoy His design, walk in His purposes, and seek His glory in all things. 

I may not know the whole story of what happened with Smith and Rock at the Oscars, but I know about humanity and the Gospel.

Several months ago, I was sitting in a doctor's office waiting to be seen, when I first saw the story of Jada & Will Smith's latest marriage bombshell. I remember seeing the images of Will Smith weeping and trying to figure out what was going on. Sometime later, I browsed the headlines to hear all about the interviews, an open marriage, a private affair made public, and the husband and wife's enduring love and devotion to one another. Those tears that had caught my attention came when Will Smith was describing that love, and why he will always love his wife. One second of b-role footage was snapped and used as clickbait the world over. 

I remember closing those tabs on my browser and moving on with my day. Soon, the whole matter had consumed my mind. I thought about marriage, family, careers, and the daily lives of these individuals; all lived out in the public eye. I thought about the common pressures and realities shared between any couple or family, and tried to empathize with those who navigate all of that for the entertainment of the world.  

I tried to rationalize the context or circumstances in which a husband or wife says to their spouse, "I am ok with you giving yourself (by any definition; ie. in any form unique or significant to a marriage) to another person." I am aware that my context has framed why I have to "try" to rationalize this idea. There are those whose contexts provide no practical or moral reservations about such an arrangement. Many view marriage itself as nothing more than an antiquated means of identifying two people who have entered a business agreement, with certain personal and financial benefits. My context says something else.

I tried to weigh all of this out, along with the mountain of information I didn't know, as I watched what happened at The Oscars. Sure, actors expect a bit of railing, roasting, and jabs from the hosts and presenters of these award shows. Being 2022, everyone expects the line to be pushed even further than before. What happened in those few minutes was totally unexpected. 

Smith and Rock have had a long history together, both professionally and personally. Their families have shared much of their journeys together along the way. In 2016, again Chris Rock was the host of The Oscars and took jabs at both Jada and Will during one of his monologues. Back then, the trio laughed off the remarks with friendly laughs, winks, and those cheesy finger-guns that dads do. I do them. I'm a dad. SO WHAT HAPPENED THIS TIME?

Was it because Rock jabbed at a physical ailment that Mrs. Pinkett-Smith is unable to control? Absolutely a possibility. Not cool. Was it Will Smith responding to the pressures of years of life in the public eye, fueled by recent scandals, and inter-marital turmoil? Definitely a contributing factor. Got to be tough. Could it be that regardless of who you are, what you do, how much it pays, or who sees you doing it; a life lived outside of God's design only leads to a deeper dissatisfaction in all things, and further fracturing of all things?  Yes. 
Could it be that regardless of who you are, what you do, how much it pays, or who sees you doing it; a life lived outside of God's design only leads to a deeper dissatisfaction in all things, and further fracturing of all things?

I have been married for 20+ years. I am raising young adults now. I know that one moment left to myself and I will perish, along with all of these blessings. I have seen what I do. I know what my heart wants when it is led by my lust, fed by my desires, and left unchanged and unchecked by the Spirit's work. I know what I would do if life was meant to be lived for me and for my pleasure. 

I know that even if I had Will, Jada, and Chris's money combined, I would spend it out of selfish motives and ambition. Even the good and charitable things I'd do could be traced back to some desire to feed my own ego or ease my conscience. I know that it wouldn't be long before I learned that not even all of the money in Hollywood could satisfy. Who knows what compromises I could make, or how far I would go to preserve "happiness" for me and mine. 

I know that even the purest, most noble, and moral things (like defending your wife) would be perverted by the wrong things. Hear me well, I may have 3 solid fights left in me. I am saving all of them for defending my wife and kids. At the same time, I know that the best way to defend them is by guarding myself against responding out of bitterness, rage, pride, anger, or some other childlike characteristic. I am to love my wife as Christ loves the Church. Can I just mention, He gave Himself for her. No punkish, sophomoric, fool's death either. Enduring the most brutal punishment mankind could conceive, along with the cosmic weight of God's wrath poured out in full measure against the sin of the world; Jesus stepped in and rescued His bride by giving His own life.

Yet, how was He described? "He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth; like a lamb that is led to the slaughter, and like a sheep that before its shearers is silent, so he opened not his mouth." (Isa.53:7-9). John said He was "full of grace and truth" (Jhn.1:14). Did you get that? Full of both. Don't get it twisted, He spoke up for the weak, the poor, the abused, and the persecuted. He drove off thieves and busted up corrupt systems. He gave His life to save others. His example points us to the critical difference. 

Track Him through the gospels. See Him submitting to the Father and His will. See Him seeking wisdom, strength, and guidance in prayer to the Father. See strength, justice, and the hand of salvation motivated by the Father's purposes for His glory. He is more than an example. He is the message and means of redemption. 

How do we respond to brokenness? What do we do with the issues behind the story? How do we make sense of it all? Through Christ and the message of the Gospel. The finished work of Christ is where all that is broken find healing. I can be made new. My wife can be made new. My kids, family, friends, and relationships can be made new. The motive of my heart and mind can be restored. I can love well, respond rightly, and live focused on the very root of joy and life - Christ and His glory. 

If I want to be a husband that defends his wife well, I need to be a man filled with His Spirit. If I want to respond to pressures, people, or whatever, and do it right; then I need to be led by His word. If I want to live a life in the "fullness of joy" and know true "pleasure forever" then He must "lead me in the path" of that life (Ps.16:11). 

I probably won't watch The Oscars next year. However, whatever scandal I miss, I assure you that this opinion will stand. 

Apart from Christ, my life is hopeless. You may see millions of differences between yourself and the A-List Celebs mentioned in this, or any other scandal you may hear of. In the end, the only thing that separates any of us is whether or not we've come to understand that single truth.

A Note From The Author:

Hi there. 

I felt led to mention that while I have believed and am trusting in the Gospel, and I am seeking to live in obedience to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I am still being sanctified. 

Don't try me, bro. 

Grace & Peace,


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